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Asset Manager

Preserving prosperity

Responsibility for the wealth of generations

Discover how to optimize processes, serve customers faster, and modernize your service offering. Combining tradition with new customer demand offers a promising outlook. Add an efficient system for regulation and compliance, and the setup is perfect.

Asset management is the supreme discipline in the financial industry and shall be brought to new splendor.

Main Services for Asset Manager

Supervisory Organisation (SO) membership, support

FINMA licensing, support

Risk & compliance process optimisation

Setting up a crypto offering

Setting up AMC structures

Enhanced due diligence report (incl. crypto)

Legal opinion & contractual documents

Key Information Document & prospectus

Regulatory, legal & compliance advice

Risk & compliance framework

Cross-border framework

Outsourcing AML, risk & compliance function

RegTech tool evaluation & implementation

Staff & directors recruiting

Training & education

Company sales and fundraising support